
ITC Foundation is an action and service non-governmental organization seeking to sustain the tourism natural resources globally. our programs are based on a number of important pillars of operation: the formation of tourism scouting clubs in schools and churches globally, training of ecotourism civilian service officers, the establishment of agritourism action centers within rural communities, tourism micro-enterprise program that aims to issue loans to rural communities members within our circle and international tourism grants to small tourism businesses, ventures, and community-led tourism service initiatives and farmers who are actively in agritourism programs globally.

ITC Foundation globally operates largely with the help of volunteers who contribute their skills and time. Volunteers are great ambassadors for our organisations, networking and promoting our ‘message’. They may be at the front line of our work, collecting data for scientific studies, providing hospitality to guests, helping with environmental education, doing essential record keeping and administration and helping the centres run efficiently. They are highly valued and essential members of our teams.

Volunteer Tasks

The work of ITC Foundation is diverse and volunteers of all ages come with very different skills and experience. For this reason, we cannot give you an exact programme before you arrive. If you expressed a specific area of interest on your application form you may be allocated a programme leader. We also have general tasks which are carried out by all volunteers including daily chores, hospitality, beach clean-ups and food shopping, Field Programs and Community Led initiatives.

We are currently looking for volunteers with the following skills:

Wildlife Conservation and Management Graduates
Tourism Management, Tour Guides
Scouting Trainers (ToT)
Housekeeping and catering landscaping and gardening
Teaching – especially environmental education (primary and secondary school)
Graphic design
Marine biology
Information technology
Website design

We are also always open to volunteers with different skill sets

Our Partners And Affiliate Institutions

Our Testimonials

What they are talking about ITCF Global

ITCF's dedication to environmental conservation is inspiring. They truly make a difference by protecting natural and anthropogenic tourism resources. A great organization to support!

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The International Tourism Clubs Foundation (ITCF) is a non-profit membership organization dedicated to conserving, restoring, and protecting both anthropogenic and natural tourism resources worldwide.

Learn how to get help

What does ITCF stand for?

ITCF stands for International Tourism Clubs Foundation, an NGO focused on environmental conservation and sustainable tourism globally.

What is the mission of ITCF?

ITCF’s mission is to create a hopeful society with viable economic opportunities for children and youth through sustainable tourism models.

What are ITCF's key strategic action areas?

The key areas include biodiversity conservation, training nature conservation officers, sustainable livelihoods, tourism clubs, and sports tourism.

Who can join ITCF?

ITCF welcomes individuals, organizations, and communities interested in conservation and sustainable tourism to join as members.

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