Our Initiatives

ITCF has in many years established and designed green led grassroots movement in realization of the greater of sustainable changes. These initiatives are aimed at ensuring wealth generation , stable homes and access to household goods to bring standards of life to the desired levels.

WISH Initiative

WISH stands for “We Impact Sustainable Households”. the initiative is aimed at ensuring women[young and old] get access to items that are of vital importance to the family. Such initiative is supported by the accumulative benefits generated from economic operations of the agritourism and ecotourism venture related actions as well us the Green Savings and Loans Programs for young girls , women stretching to the entire household. Under the GSLP,formation of Groups of people with a minimum number being 20 members and maximum Per Group Being 35 Members.

Mtoto Faida Initiative

ITCF has in recent years served communities with a perception of not recognizing children found out of unplanned family ties. Africa as a continent has in many countries disregarded this children and left them unsupported alongside their mothers. The initiative offers an opportunity for the kids to be educated, given access to basic needs among others. The kids are adopted into the MFI Green Utalii Na Jamii Support scheme [GUJSS] Governed and covered by the UN & ITCF’s Internal Child protection policies and Regulations to ensure children rights are safeguarded and are given a safe standard spaces for growth and development.

The NECCASO initiative.

As the world seeks to find avenues to make the youths productive after their school life and others after attaining the ages of 18 years; ITCF’s agenda under NECCASO is to ensure the youths are trained on matters conservation of natural and man-made resources that are of essence to every day life . the youths are trained in basic skills and shall form an ultimate umbrella of NECCASO Scouting Club which shall inform of their growth, adaptability to new life norms and try impact their growth trajectory from job seekers to job creators through the Green Led- Youth Incubation Pool. The youths are driven from all walks of life no matter the race, gender etc.

Tourism Bursary Kitty Support Initiative

The tourism bursary support Kitty initiatives is aimed at sponsoring school going kids with bursaries to help them continue with education as a powerful tool in becoming future leaders who will continue with the models of restoration and protection of the global ecosystems and its biome. The support is Only offered to children who are members of ITCF Tourism Scouting Clubs Programme between the ages of YTS & STS extending to NECCASO cadre. The beneficiaries must have demonstrated actions that have spearheaded the growth of the Sustainable Green Tourism alongside the ITCF’s vision.

Green Tourism Plastic Free Business initiative

The Green Tourism Plastic Initiative unites the tourism sector players behind a common vision to address the root causes of plastic pollution and climate action as one of the global business spaces leading the causes of carbon footprints. It enables businesses, governments, and other tourism stakeholders to take concerted action, leading by actionable examples in the paradigm shift towards the use of plastics among other wastes.
Green Action & Service Commitments By 2050 The Green Tourism Plastics Free Business World Initiative requires tourism Stakeholder honest engagement to make a set of green viable and realistic actions and services as a form of commitment by 2050:
  • Advocate for Elimination of unnecessary plastic packaging ;
  • Take action to move from single-use to reuse models or reusable alternatives as guided by green protocols;
  • Involving the Value Chain in moving towards 100% transition from plastic packaging to reusable, recyclable etc;
  • Report publicly and annually on progress made towards these targets by the watch of the NECCASO Green Unit officers in every important resource areas.
  • Take control through monitoring, patrolling and managing beach sides, riversides, Forest and wildlife ecosystems to ensure they free of plastic wastes as a result of visitor destination interactions.

How to Become Part of the Global Tourism Plastics Initiative

Business signatories" include tourism businesses of all sub sectors. Currently, there are signatory packs available for accommodation providers, tour operators, travel agents, online travel agents, platforms and suppliers. Interested airlines, cruise lines and event organizers are also welcome to join and should contact the Coordination Team.
"Destination signatories" include national and local governments or destination management organizations (mainly public sector led). Associations and CBO’s, NPO’s and SHG’s can become "supporting organization signatories", together with business networks and other entities such as certification schemes, academia, consultancies and/or destination management organizations (mainly public-private or private sector led), which although do not have a large plastic footprint parse, can create multiplier effects across the tourism value chain.
Potential signatories should familiarize themselves with the Terms of Reference of the Global Tourism Plastics Initiative as well as its common vision and common definitions, which can also be found in the annexes of the signatory packs for each respective organization type at the pages linked to below.

Agritourism and Eco-tourism Initiatives

ITCF focuses on the need to diversify tourism product lines around the world to craft a systematic scheme that will offset pressure from the over-dependence on the world tourism resources. The initiative aligns agritourism and ecotourism unit areas to specific communities living near and around natural touristic resources and anthropogenic ones. The idea is to formulate a sustainability and resilience means for the obvious resources to thrive.

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ITCF's dedication to environmental conservation is inspiring. They truly make a difference by protecting natural and anthropogenic tourism resources. A great organization to support!

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The International Tourism Clubs Foundation (ITCF) is a non-profit membership organization dedicated to conserving, restoring, and protecting both anthropogenic and natural tourism resources worldwide.

Learn how to get help

What does ITCF stand for?

ITCF stands for International Tourism Clubs Foundation, an NGO focused on environmental conservation and sustainable tourism globally.

What is the mission of ITCF?

ITCF’s mission is to create a hopeful society with viable economic opportunities for children and youth through sustainable tourism models.

What are ITCF's key strategic action areas?

The key areas include biodiversity conservation, training nature conservation officers, sustainable livelihoods, tourism clubs, and sports tourism.

Who can join ITCF?

ITCF welcomes individuals, organizations, and communities interested in conservation and sustainable tourism to join as members.

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